Red Dog Poker Online | Acey Deucey | Free Red Dog Poker Games |

Anthony Da Costa
January 16, 2023

You don’t see red dog being played at very many American casinos anymore. But red dog online is still very popular, and Canadians tend to play red dog in Canadian casinos too. Red dog is also known as acey-deucey, which is a game we used to play on poker night when I was a bachelor in Addison, TX.

The goal of red dog is to guess if the rank of a card will fall between the ranks of the 2nd and 3rd cards dealt. Aces are always high, and suits don’t mean anything. You start by placing your bet on the table, and the dealer then draws two cards from the show and lays them out in the middle of the table. The two cards always fall into one of three types – matching, consecutive, or nonconsecutive.

If the two cards are matching, then a third card is drawn. If this card is the same rank as the first two, then all players get paid on their wagers at 11 to 1 odds. If the card doesn’t match, then it’s a push or a tie.

Consecutive cards are always considered a push or a tie.

Nonconsecutive cards give you the opportunity to place a raise bet equal to your original bet. Once the extra bets are made, the dealer draws another card. If this third card falls between the first two. the player wins. If the third call matches or falls outside the range of the first two card ranks, the players lose. You can never tie at this point; there’s no such thing as a push here. The payouts are based on how big the spread between the ranks of the first two cards is.

  • If the spread is 1, payout is 5 to 1.
  • If the spread is 2, payout is 4 to 1.
  • If the spread is 3, payout is 2 to 1.
  • If the spread is between 4 and 11, payout is 1 to 1.

The house edge for red dog is about 3.5%, which doesn’t make it the worst bet in the casino, but it’s still a far cry from video poker or blackjack, especially when one of those latter two games are played by a skilled and disciplined player.

Red dog poker is available at almost all online casinos, because it’s a very popular casino game in cyberspace. But I definitely recommend that if you want to learn to play red dog, that you learn to play by playing at one of the casinos recommended on this site. The casinos on this site all have licensing in their jurisdiction, exemplary customer service, and fast payouts. They also all offer free versions of red dog poker and other games.

There’s a red dog poker tips sheet available here; it’s part of our collection of free gambling tips.

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Author Anthony Da Costa